Functional Physiotherapy

Functional Physiotherapy is a unique approach that embraces the model of healthcare advocated by The Institute of Functional Medicine.  Combining lifestyle medicine with assessment of whole body biomechanics (Integrated Systems Model, Diane Lee and LJ Lee)  provides a the most current evidence-based approach to restoring function, health and well-being.  

Fundamental to this approach is an in-depth understanding of biomedical science integrated with clinical expertise in movement analysis which enables the identification of root cause; the suppression and management of symptoms no longer being the main focus to restoring health and function.

Functional physiotherapy is a holistic approach to assisting the body's recovery.

Functional physiotherapy aims to identify all factors impacting on the health and recovery of the individual client. 

 If you are struggling to return to full function, suffer repeated injuries or persistent pain, consider the following.

 Our ability to heal and recover from injury, illness, pain and dysfunction is impacted by many lifestyle factors:

  • Physical stress (eg from injury, accident or over training, movement dysfunctions, altered biomechanics, excess physical activity, insufficient physical activity)
  • Mental/Emotional stress (eg work, relationships, financial, illness, bereavement, spirituality)
  • Poor Diet and Nutritional Deficiencies (e.g can affect our brain health and nervous system, our energy levels, hormone balance, our inflammatory and immune responses, the health of our tissues; ligaments, bone and muscle)
  • Sleep (poor quality or insufficient sleep can affect the rebuilding and repair of cells, blood sugar regulation, cortisol and melatonin levels (important for our immune health), memory and consolidation of learning, mood and mental health)
  • Environmental exposures (e.g. our exposure to toxic chemicals, quality of air, water and soil, screens, EMF) 

For further information on how our diet and lifestyle impact our health and recovery please contact The Limes Clinic for a Resource/Reference List.



Treatment plans can include one or a combination of the following:

Manual therapy

Including: joint mobilisation, visceral manipulation, myofascial release and trigger pointing.

These techniques can be used to reduce pain, improve function, biomechanics and physiology


Can be used to reduce pain, improve function and restore balance and harmony to all systems

Nutritional advice

Diet plans to aid healing and recovery, improve energy and performance, reduce inflammation, assist weight loss

Lifestyle advice

Addresses aspects of current lifestyle that are having an adverse effect on health and wellbeing

Finding solutions and offering support to enable change.